milos-prelevic-65busv7PmzM-unsFirst Sunday Hymns/Songs (FiSH'S)

To give our faithful worship band a rest each month, I am going to be using some alternative ways to lead our singing on First Sundays.

We are trialling this approach while Ian Harris is unwell, but my hope is that we will move to a regular pattern with the band continuing to lead us on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays.

I will make song choices on the 1st Sunday of each month and welcome your help via Lighthouse.

Initially, we are using the iSingWorship library of songs. This list of songs can be found at (there are also previews there). 

I am asking for the songs that have helped you in your walk with God and your day-by-day worship. I am looking for songs you can take into the week. In other words, songs can easily be sung in the shower or while driving, even without a music player.

Please go to Lighthouse and post the name of a song (from the list at that you have found particularly helpful.

It would also be great to encourage others by commenting on (or “Cheering”, using the heart shaped button) their song suggestion if that song has also helped you. 

I’m going to ask that we each post only one song (per month) so that we hear from as wide a range of people as possible. 

I look forward to seeing your suggestion, comments or cheers in Lighthouse.

Yours in Christ
