Sunday Worship
Pattern of Services
We have more information about our services on the
Sunday Services page.
1st Sunday
9:00am - Morning Worship (~1 hour)
10:30am - Communion service (~1.5 hours)
On various dates throughout the year Baptisms will also be held on the first Sunday of the month. Baptisms last about an hour and have 1 bible reading.
6:00pm - Evening worship service (~50 min)
2nd Sunday
9:00am - Communion (~1 hour)
10:30am - All Age Worship (~30 min)
6:00pm - Evening worship service (~50 min)
3rd Sunday
9:00am - Communion (~1 hour)
10:30am - Deeper (~90 min)
6:00pm - Communion service (~50 min)
4th Sunday
9:00am - Communion (~1 hour)
10:30am - Morning Worship (~1 hour)
6:00pm Evening worship service (~50 min)
5th Sunday
10:30am - Team Communion (Venue to be announced) (~1 hour - 2 bible readings)
Tim Phillips, 05/03/2019