The Logo for The Garden Room Ashby - Growing Together The Garden Room 

The Garden Room is a community gardening project, rooted in the life of Holy Trinity Ashby.

We grow and give away flowers and food to make people smile.

Our small-but-mighty team of volunteers grow in two locations in Ashby. One is a small secret garden behind Holy Trinity Ashby (off Kilwardby Street) and the other is a plot of raised beds down at Ashby Allotments (off Wilfred Gardens), where we have a partnership with Ashby Allotment Association.

Our growing spaces contain a mixture of annual and perennial flowers and foliage that we use to create our signature jam jar bouquets. Alongside our flowers, we grow a smaller quantity of fresh fruit and veg.

Growing Together 

We meet up when we can during the week, at one of our two growing spaces. We work together often (but not always) on Monday and Wednesday afternoons for an hour, as our availability, energy and the weather allows.

We get together to connect with others, learn new skills, get active, take notice of the world around us (we have some very friendly local robins) and to give to others.

There is no volunteer rota and no fixed regular commitment, which means people get to help when they can - not when they can't.

Some people help out in the evenings or at weekends as well, instead, as their lives and other commitments allow.

Although we are sometimes down on the plots at different times during the week, we're committed to working together on a common plan. 

In addition to enjoying all the benefits that volunteering with The Garden Room gives us, many of us are grateful for a opportunity to do something that makes a difference in our local community.

Why do we do what we do?

Gardening has benefits for wellbeing.

People say gardening is good for the soul and there is growing evidence it can help improve both physical and mental health.

In a world that needs more beauty, The Garden Room gathers ordinary, extraordinary people to grow something beautiful together.

We have a lot of fun together, but the best bit is that, rather than keeping it to ourselves, we get to share it with others.

If you’d like to join us, talk to us. We’d love to hear from you.


m: 07763 004944


2025 Events

We run a number of Saturday morning events through the year, including a Community Seed Swap, a Bring & Buy Plant Sale and our free Fun with Flowers workshops, where you can learn to make one of our signature jam jar bouquets to take home or give away. Find out about our next event here.


To receive email updates about The Garden Room, sign up for our newsletter below. We usually send out newsletters quarterly (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter) with the occasional additional update, if we have something special to share.
Sign up here.


Follow us
You can follow The Garden Room on Facebook or Instagram.

Get involved
Want to join us? We're looking for people from our community, to help us grow flowers and food for our community. Find out more here.

We're a small project and run on a shoestring budget. We have no streams of external funding in place, so we fund any resources we need to buy through plant sales and individual donations.

We need your help to help us keep growing flowers and food to share with others - and do more good things in our community.

To make a gift to The Garden Room, you can either use the green 'donate' button at the bottom of this page (for card payments), or make a bank transfer.

Please note: if you make a one-off bank transfer, or set up a regular standing order, we will receive the full amount, without transaction charges. 

Bank Details:

Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-92-15
Account Number: 00773716
Please use the reference TGR
Unfortunately, without this reference The Garden Room (TGR) won’t receive your donation.

Thank you so much for any financial support you are able to give us.