
We love to give. It is part of our culture to give. Institutionally we contribute to the Mission of Church of England in the Diocese of Leicester through our parish contribution (also known as the Parish Gift). This is the largest part of our expenditure.

We have long given away at least 10% of our unrestricted income. If you make a gift to the church for a purpose, such as the work of Christian's Against Poverty or Foodbank, all that money goes to that cause. If you make a gift to Holy Trinity, in faith and thanksgiving for God's provision, we give away 10%. This money goes to help the poor and God's mission locally and far away.

Our regular members give to the work here; they do this by standing order, one off gifts, through an envelope scheme, and by making a gift when they come to church.

You can now set up your regular giving through the Parish Giving (PGS) scheme. To find out more about how this works please see the video on the Parish Giving page here. The PGS scheme is a secure way to set up regular donations, sign up to inflation linked giving if you wish and provides you with an option to increase your donation by adding gift aid at 25%.

If you would like to join us in giving towards the work of God in this place please look at our Planned Giving page, or contact our Treasurer, using the link below. They can explain the different ways you can give. 

Please also check out how you can Give as you Live.

Thank you for reading this and considering giving to God's work in this place.

In Christ, Tim Phillips

Contact our Church Treasurer

Please see also details for how you can give specifically to the work of Ashby Foodbank and to the local work of Christian's Against Poverty.