Curious about faith? Try Alpha
Thursday evenings in Ashby from 7:30-9:30pm
Wondering if there is more to life than this?
Alpha is for anyone who wouldn't describe themselves as having a Christian faith - but who is interested in exploring Christianity - perhaps for the first time, or the first time in a long time.
Alpha is designed for the curious, the doubtful, the wondering - and the intrigued - and more than 28 million people worldwide (at least 5 million in the UK) have tried Alpha so far.
This term, we'll be hosting a series of conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment.
Each evening starts with a meal, followed by a short film and time to talk with and listen to other people who want to explore questions of life and faith.
You'll be hosted in a friendly small group where you'll have a chance to share your thoughts - and hear what others think.
You can say anything you like, or nothing at all.
Everyone's welcome. You're invited, no matter your background or beliefs. It's free - and there's no pressure to come back.
Alpha will be running on Thursday evenings and will take place over eleven sessions, during the Summer term.
If you'd like to come along and give it a try, you can register your interest by completing the form below.
We'll be in touch, to let you know where we'll be meeting - and find out if you have any dietary requirements.