Dwelling Again
9:45 am to 10:15 am on Sundays at Holy Trinity Ashby. All Welcome. Please consider staying on after our 8:30 am service to seek the Lord with us. Please consider coming earlier for the 10:30 am service to enter his presence together.
An Apology
In recent weeks, Dwell, our thirty minutes of waiting on God, has been set aside to train our new tech team, who are now working with the service slides and sound system. I am sorry that this happened without prior announcement and it has been unclear what was going on. This initial training is complete, and Dwell will again start at 9:45 am for thirty minutes of dwelling in God's presence between our morning services.
Seeking his face
When good things happen or hard times come upon us, it is especially important to seek his face, humble ourselves, and set aside time to dwell in his presence and give thanks. We do not want any of the good things he is giving us or doing amongst us (or the things we are afraid of) to become our gods. Jesus is our goal; he is the one we seek, beyond anything that he does for us; it is him himself that we long for.
Circumstances differ
That said, all our circumstances are different, and what I am writing here is not to presume that we all can (or should) enter into worship and wait on him between 9:45 am and 10:15 am on Sundays. Of course, we should, whatever the pressure and challenges we face, make time to dwell in his presence, seek his face, and not rush away. There is nothing more important than connecting with the King.
Join us
So please, if it is possible, join us for our extended time dwelling in his presence. Stay after the early service or come early for the 10:30 am service, and then, if you are staying on, attend sensitively and graciously to those who come in after the 10:15 am conclusion of Dwell.
Yours in Christ
Photo by
Wes Hicks on