?Jul Aug Prayer points.?001
Prayer Points for January

Church and Church Family

  • The week of prayer for Christian Unity starts on 18th January.  This month we would like to pray for all the Christian Churches in Ashby.  That we may come together to share the truth of the Gospel in our town

Ashby and Area

  • Building on the theme for this year, Do you believe this? - a question Jesus asks of Martha in John 11 pray for unity between Christians. In the 1700th anniversary year for the Nicean creed, something agreed between diverse Churches, pray for shared faith and strengthening of relationships .
  • Pray also for our community groups who support those in need in this cold season and for our local council and leaders in their decision making to support all across our locality. May our Churches lead by example locally.


  • Pray for those in leadership in the different Christian denominations in the UK.  When under pressure can we pray that decisions and leadership is centred on God and his word?
  • Pray also for mission in our own country - for workers to go out and spread the true Gospel.  For welcome and open ears in the communities they serve in and for the financial support they need.

Pray for our world

  • Pray for the international Church.  1700 years have not changed that fact that Churches round the world are bruised and scattered and Christians continue to be persecuted worldwide.  Pray for the discernment of truth, for deepened connections and living faithfully in Christ.  

Beth Lunt