?Jul Aug Prayer points.?001
Prayer Points for February

Our Church

  • Pray this month for our church family and our church as a family.  May we be welcoming to newcomers, supportive to each other and share God's blessing freely with one another.
  • Pray for the groups that meet to share and learn about God during the week, giving thanks for those who lead these.  

Our Town

  • As our town and surrounding villages expand,  pray for the new people coming into our community.  Pray for openness to the Gospel and for the addition of more Christians in our community

Our county

  • Pray for our local and national government, for our Prime Minister, Cabinet and MPs.  For strong, wise and fair decision making with the best interests of all at heart.
  • Pray for our NHS in this Winter illness season - give thanks for the medical and hospital staff and pray for the work that they do at this busy time.

Our world

  • Pray for the instability in our world.  Pray that war is seen as a last resort and for diplomatic efforts to end conflict.
  • Pray for our Christian brothers and sisters around the world.  Tearfund this month is asking us to pray for Education opportunities around the world particularly for girls in Pakistan and Adult literacy in the Central African Republic.  Also we are asked to pray for access to clear water for all with a focus on South Sudan where there has been flooding.

Beth Lunt