?Crocus.?001March/Lent Prayer Points 

The Church of England Lent Theme for 2025 is Living Hope. Each week there is a subtheme to pray around.  We would encourage you to use these themes to pray for yourself, your family, our Church, our Town, Country and the World.

An app with daily devotions is also available (or by email) and this resource for use as a family/small group.  

Start of Lent: What is hope? –  what hope means in the context of the Christian faith.

Week 1 (9thMarch) : Imperfect –  how do we hold on to hope in lives that are messy and a world that is imperfect.

Week 2 (16th March): Together –  the ways joining with others allows us to find hope ourselves and offer hope to those who need it.

Week 3 (23rd March): Trusting –  what it means to trust in the hope God promises, even when we feel uncertain about the future.

Week 4 (30th March): Noticing –  how we can deepen our hope by noticing signs of what God is doing.

Week 5 (6th April): Courage –  how being rooted in hope can give us courage to face difficulties and seek change.

Week 6 (13th April) – Holy Week: Transformed –  how God can transform even the most broken situations.