Holy Trinity church photo


Visitor InformationVisitor Information »

We are a welcoming and vibrant church community seeking to follow Jesus Christ.

Our Sunday services start at 8:30 am, 10:30 am and 6:00 pm. All 3 services are available in person in our church building and online via Zoom.

All are warmly welcome to attend any of our services.

Please check our calendar for other events in the week. 

For further details on our zoom service, please see our Zoom Q&A  for more information.

Trinity Notices

Where a notice begins with a *, click the title for more information.
*March/Lent Prayer Points
The Church of England Lent Theme for 2025 is Living Hope. Each week there is a subtheme to pray around. We would encourage you to use these themes to pray for yourself, your family, our Church, our Town, Country and the World.
Trinity Prayer Meeting
7:30 pm on Tuesday, 18 March 2025, in the Vestry, Holy Trinity Ashby. All Welcome. Please come and join us for our monthly prayer meeting. We will be using the CofEs Lent theme of "Living Hope". Any questions, please contact beth.lunt@trinityashby.net
*Flagstaff Lent Series
6pm Sunday's in March 2025 across the Flagstaff Churches. All Welcome. In the Flagstaff Family of Churches, we will be working our way through the book ‘Practicing the Way’ on Sunday evenings at 6pm.
*Kids' Brunch Helpers Needed
Might God be calling you to help with Kids' Brunch? We need people to help with set up and clearing away, preparing and serving food and washing up. Might you be able to help? See trinityashby.net/kb for more information.
*Annual Reports
Noreen Mewies is collating our annual reports for us. Please complete reports by 1st April and email it to apcm@trinityashby.net
*Community Seed Swap
9:30-11am on Saturday 12 April at Holy Trinity. The Garden Room is hosting a series of events in 2025. The next is a community seed swap with tea, coffee and cake. All welcome.
*Electoral Roll 2025
To apply to be on the Electoral Roll, contact Janet Onions at janet.onions@gmail.com, before Sunday, 27 April. You need to be on the Electoral Roll to stand for election for the Parochial Church Council or vote at the Annual Parochial Church meeting.
Is there more to life than this? Alpha is a chance to explore the Christian faith, designed for anyone who doesn’t think of themselves as a follower of Jesus. Starting Thursday 16 Jan 2025. We'd love to have you with us! Sign up at trinityashby.net/alpha


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Find / Contact Us

To use find the church building use the postcode LE65 2FR.

For parking, please use nearby roadside parking or see trinityashby.net/park for links to nearby car parks. Please note the terms and conditions of each car park. Charges may apply.

We hope you have found all the information about the church you wanted. If you want to contact someone at the church office, please use the contact details below.

Mobile 07745 378155


Office Opening Hours:
9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., Monday to Thursday. Please leave a message, if you don't get an answer.

Church Business Address
Holy Trinity Church
Kilwardby Street
Ashby de la Zouch
LE65 2FR

Contact Form
Please fill in this form, and it will be sent to the church office. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Your name:
Email Address:


Holy Trinity church hall

Our church hall is adjacent to Holy Trinity Church on Churchside Walk LE65 2FG. The hall can only be accessed on foot via Church Side Walk or via the path to the left-hand side of the church building.

There is adequate on-street parking and public pay and display car parks nearby.

Please note that there is no vehicular access to the hall.